
鄭子太極拳・教室/道場 本場台湾でオープントーナメントを制したチャンピオンが秘密裏に実践し、超能力ではないかと言われ アメリカ政府の研究対象になった太極拳の重要なエッセンスを更に進化させた究極のリラックスの極意による内勁メソッドから欧米人の間で人気がある実践推手、各業界のプロ達までが良いパフォーマンス向上してしまった武術太極拳等を東京,埼玉,茨城,広島にて指導中!

Taichi school(English )


Chen ManChing



Huang Xingxian


Wee KeeJin(Wang QiRan)


Masanori Kobayashi(7dan shihan)




Tokyo Headquarters School(Tokyo Tabata)


37 forms yang style taiji

・Sunday  6:00 - 7:20pm
・Monday  8:00 - 9:20pm

Wednesday  8:00 - 9:20pm

Admission fee 10,000 yen

Monthly apology 7,500 yen(four lessons a month

Please email us for inquiries. Please send  your full name, phone number, e-mail address, trial lesson or look lesson, date of visit, class you would like to attend, and motivation for applying for taichi . Then we will contact you.

instructor Masanori Kobayashi


Saitama school(Saitama Urawa

yang style taiji

・Saturday  3:030 - 4:50pmthree lessons a month

Admission fee 10,000 yen

Monthly apology 6,000 yen

Please email us for inquiries. Please send  your full name, phone number, e-mail address, trial lesson or look lesson, date of visit, class you would like to attend, and motivation for applying for taichi . Then we will contact you.

instructor Masanori Kobayashi



Ibaragi school(Hitachi ota)

37 forms yang style taiji

・Saturday  7:30 - 9:00pm

Please email us for inquiries. Please send  your full name, phone number, e-mail address, trial lesson or look lesson, date of visit, class you would like to attend, and motivation for applying for taichi . Then we will contact you.


instructor Shohei Kikuchi




Hiroshima school(Hiroshima city)

37 forms yang style taiji

・Sunday  9:00 - 10:30am

・Friday  7:30 - 9:00pm

Please email us for inquiries. Please send  your full name, phone number, e-mail address, trial lesson or look lesson, date of visit, class you would like to attend, and motivation for applying for taichi . Then we will contact you.


instructor Tomoyuki Sakai




















2024.12.03 Tuesday