【ポイントカード 】について 2014 4 /15 記載[reward card] 2014 4 /15 mentions
◎ レギュラーキー依頼は2本以上のご依頼
◎ ポイント加算は1000円単位で1カウント。
◎ 20カウントで紳士靴修理カカト2,000円迄サービスです。婦人靴カカト交換無料です。
2024年4月21日 改めて記載
Because our store using the reward card increased, I tell you some other time.
◎ It is 1 count by a visit [work request]. [but requests more than 500 yen]
◎ The point addition is 1 counting by a 1,000 yen unit.
◎ It is shoes repair heel one pair free service with 20 counts.
※ A word from a manager ※
The distribution of the reward card increased, but the accomplished one seems to come to have much 20 counting with it.
The one where a perforator count was accomplished. I want to tell the person who seems to be accomplished, but please use it.
It followed that the waiting on customers of our store let you give him a wide berth adversely though it became one-on-one [hard to start it] and saved it for various reasons including [ashamed though you want to use it] with much effort and thought about と recently. I am sorry in a thing, the truth that I have harked so back to.
Our store is happy if you can use our store with being merely glad that it is repeated in future. Because I think than と feeling, a reward card of our store, please use a free service in a right or wrong heel moment if it is woven visitor that it was become filled up, visitor whom I seem to become.
※ Supplement ※
I specify expiration date, but there is not the time limit.
Because it is the card which a manager manufactured like a reward card for atmosphere serious consideration, it is available anytime.
Because you hit the counting anytime again if there is [I got wet and softened and have turned], bring it.
April 15, 2014 mention