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カカトの音が気になって。。どうしたら?Be worried about the sound of the heel. . How?

















普段より少しゆっくり歩いたり、ウォーキングシューズで歩く時と同じ歩き方ではなく、少しだけ胸を張る様に歩かれるとリフトの減りが軽減され、今までより長持ちすると思います。軽くヒップを引き締めて歩かれても効果あり!かと・・・ (^_^)






* Pumps shoes *
Though "unpleasant, correct shoes were finally found in the foot with the tile asphalt of the subway purchasing it, and few pumps shoes sounding steadily, and walking the interval why, called ..." comes a lot.
It is because I put on the lift that the rubber of the heel is hard (rubber of plastic ) so that shoes at the time of the purchase do not decrease immediately. The person worried about a sound changes a lift (rubber of the heel) early and thinks that work can spend everyday life comfortably when shoes are worn. There is many it other than the person who can come for lift exchange after the purchase immediately (^_^)
When that sound really sounds, and oneself walks, it is ... toward the circumference and.
I have bought the shoes of the hard lift before I work as the mender of shoes and remember what felt serious because I did not know that there is "the mender of shoes" at that time.
Because you have a lot of kinds of the lift, please talk willingly. Show it to our store before being able to sharpen it too much, and giving it up "can you not repair these shoes anymore?". There are not very the shoes which get used to wearing it, and can walk easily. . Repair it plenty than oneself thinks, and it is possible;
* Pin heel *
It is a pin heel that designing shoes have much. It is an indispensable item for fashion. A heel is thin, and the pin heel shoes are used a lot for shoes almost more than 5cm~7cm and use a special lift. If "I purchase it and wear it 2~3 time, I can sharpen it and have got &", and  comes by such a story. The lift which there is is a reinforcement lift first, and it is for a few normal pin heel lift. There is many it by a product.
I think that the rate to decrease can be reduced considerably if changed for a reinforcement pin heel lift. Depend on size & how to wear pin heel lifts, but ... Because I use a hard reinforcement lift, I hear "the sound".
+ Because there is the shop where even the mender of shoes uses a normal lift for, please be careful; +
[art of how to wear with pumps shoes, pin heel shoes]
I walk slightly slowly, and the decrease of the lift is reduced when walked so that only a little sticks out its chest not how to walk same as time to walk with walking shoes and thinks that I last a long time than before. Even if tighten the hips lightly and is walked, is an effect; is  ... (^_^)
* I change the how to walk by shoes. !*
I think that ... can say how to walk to a man by shoes. It is hosoku, but which (tiptoe) in front of the back bottom always decreases, and is in trouble is what I do not notice unexpectedly, but I am apt to think that I wake straight up a body by oneself and walk, but it is thought that the tip rubs against forward bending plenty because I walk.
* The sun of the vorlage walk! *


10:30 営業時間


