
2020-02-24 22:35:00



2nd TARA International Symposium: Cutting-Edge Structural Biology approaches




2020-02-07 11:46:00

Lecture for cryo-EM Image analysis!2020-0207(Fri)13:00~

Let's dissect dissect RELION! Many users do not know what each parameter mean. many people do not know what the principle.

In addtion, there is another  very conveinient software suit for cryo-EM, SPHIRE. Moriya is one of the developers of SPHIRE.


Lecture for cryo-EM Image analysis!

2020-01-16 12:59:00

第2回 TARA国際シンポジウムを開催します! (2020年3月2−3日)


Radostin Danev (The University of Tokyo)

Sriram Subramaniam (The University of British Columbia)


数に限りはありますが,ランチョンセミナーもご用意しております. 1日目の夕方には懇親会もあります.



2nd TARA International Symposium: Cutting-Edge Structural Biology approaches


“Various approaches to the study of challenging targets in structural biology"

構造生物学 困難なターゲットへの挑戦


場所:筑波大学 国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構(WPI-IIIS) 1F講堂


日時 2020年3月2日(月)〜3日(火)

オーガナイザー 岩崎憲治(筑波大・TARA)

連絡先 e-mail: ikenji(at)tara.tsukuba.ac.jp Tel: 029−853−6045





━ 2nd, Mar, Mon ━

*[13:30-14:00] Registration: 1F Auditorium, IIIS Building, University of Tsukuba

*[14:00-14:20] Opening Remarks: Akiyoshi Fukamizu (Deputy Director, TARA, University of Tsukuba)

・[14:20-15:00] Naoyuki Miyazaki – University of Tsukuba

“Cryo-EM structure of the infectious Staphylococcus bacteriophage S13’ at near-atomic resolution”

・[15:00-15:40] Zuben P. Brown – Columbia University

“Cryo-EM structures of the HCV IRES mediated translation initiation pathway from initial binding to AUG recognition”

・[16:00-16:40] Florence Tama – Nagoya University

“Modeling conformational transitions of biomolecules from cryo-EM data”

・[16:40-17:20] Kenji Murakami –University of Pennsylvania

“Cryo-EM studies of DNA repair and transcription”

*[18:00-20:00] Reception: canteen for the Medical Science Area, University of Tsukuba


━ 3rd, Mar, Tue ━

・[10:00-10:40] Meng-Chiao (Joseph) Ho –Academia Sinica

“Structural basis of DMC1-mediated Mismatch Tolerance”

・[10:40-11:20] Fabian Eisenstein – ETH

“From in situ to in vitro and back: the structure of novel contractile injection systems”

・[11:20-12:00] Luca Zinzula – The Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry

“The Ebola and Marburg virus VP35 oligomerization domain: from structure to validation as a pan-filovirus antiviral target”


*[12:00-13:00] Luncheon Seminar – JEOL


【Keynote Lecture 1】

*[13:10-14:10] Radostin Danev – The University of Tokyo

“Current factors and new methods for improving the performance of cryo-EM”

【Keynote Lecture 2】

*[14:30-15:30] Sriram Subramaniam – The University of British Columbia

“Cryo-EM of dynamic molecular assemblies”


・[15:30-16:10] Cornelius Gati – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

“High resolution structures of GPCRs by cryoEM”

・[16:10-16:50] Michael Elbaum – Weizmann Institute of Science

“Exploring cellular structure with cryo-STEM tomography”

*[16:50-17:00] Closing Remarks: Kenji Iwasaki (Professor, TARA, University of Tsukuba) 


第2回 TARA国際シンポジウムを開催します! (2020年3月2−3日)

2019-11-04 12:18:00

Nature Comm.10月18日に掲載されました!

Nature Comm.10月18日に掲載されました!

2019-10-06 12:35:00



11月26-27日 岡崎の生理研研究会でクライオ電子顕微鏡単粒子解析の研究会を開催します!


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