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2014-07-10 16:01:00

濡れてしまった靴 (+_+)The shoes which have got wet

※   濡れた靴はクリーニングハンガーを曲げてタオルで包み、靴を引っ掛けて風通りの良い場所で乾かすとよいかも。。です。





※ The wet shoes bend a cleaning hanger, and I throw on a parcel, shoes, and should I dry it with a towel at a good place of the ventilation? .
If it is a towel, I absorb it from the inside.
I change the towels moderately and think that drying is early.
Leather becomes brand-new, and therefore drying in the sun ... in the porch, please can dry damage University slowly in the shade.
Is the aim around three days? .