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お気に入りの靴(紳士靴編)Favorite shoes (gentleman shoes)

















★ Though it is in condition to be able to still wear the body, a bottom rubs and. . .
★ Like a design; but at the bottom a crack. . .
★ I want to change the rubber bottom to the leather bottom (as for the reverse). . .
The sole substitute (all sole) is one of the shoes repair to be able to wear favorite shoes for a longer time.
※ I have already disappeared every year even if a design changed a little and wanted to buy the same shoes again. Construction such case many ok.
※ The shoes which are in a condition which a bottom wore down, and a seam was cut, and a tongue seemed to found. I can wear it still more if I do a bottom substitute or, too.
But all sole repair recommends that they entrust you to a trustworthy master with a choice of one's favorite shop.
I do these work more than ten years, but think whether I examine a shop closely and should be chosen because there were few shops which thought that it is a bottom substitute and is, "it is delicious".
In "my shop do not tell by all means!", and rectification should be done in a reliable shop. I want to only tell you about と obediently. Because, as for the sole repair all than the rectification such as heels, it costs repair charges for several times.
★ Because you attached the photograph of the shoes which you can wear by bottom sewing still more on photograph pasting, please refer to it. I think that I can wear it comfortably if I match a slipper material with sole afterward.
※ The person of the trouble, please call out to me in sole (bottom). Because there is the repair to be recovered even if I do not yet do all sole.

