Restaurant N
能登島 金沢各地より届けられる野菜
北海道 岩手 茨城 愛知より家禽類 etc.
"We are very particular about vegetable made in Japan, and we cook it simply to take their taste out."
"We think the best compatibility of the materials it for our customer."
I always think it to face to the materials.
To realize it, I think we need the best material and producer of the material. This is what I feel after
visiting many place of Japan for several years.
We produce our ideal restaurant which talk with the producers of materials, understand their passion
and tell it to our customers as the dishes in Kanazawa.
The best fresh fish from Kanazawa port
Vegetable from Kanazawa, Notojima
Poultry fromHokkaido, Iwate, Ibaraki, Aichi etc
We use the local materials from Kanazawa, and alsowe capture the best seasonal materials fromall over Japan.
Please enjoy materials from fertile ground and sea in this rich region, Kanazawa.
Restaurant N-エンヌ-
オーナーシェフ 西山昭二
Owner chef Shoji Nishiyama