ガーデン業界の理想のボスの要素とは?/What is the ideal boss in the landscaping industry?🌿
最近 "社長と話すとやる気がなくなる。"と周りの人々たちからよく聴きます。これは造園業界での共通のことなのでしょうか?
Saturday, March 16th
Today was a warm day that felt like the perfect spring.
Are you all having a nice weekend?
I've been hearing a lot lately, ``I lose motivation when I talk to the president.'' Is this a common thing in the landscaping industry? ?
In any case, there is still no "motivated president" around me. Is it the fault of the landscaping industry, where the old male social hierarchy remains deeply rooted?
I have a staff of helpers and craftsmen who work with me on a regular basis. Since I want them to take up their precious time to work with me, I always think that I want to meet their needs as much as possible and make their work enjoyable and meaningful. In a sense, the attitude which the unpopular presidents I've heard from the people around me may be a clue as to how you can make your employees feel good about their work.
When I was training at a private garden in England, I had a boss named John who was a botanist. His advice from time to time in the garden was simple, yet very meaningful to me.
For example, when choosing gardening tools, it is better to choose something a little smaller or lighter than what is best for you. The same is true for strong men, because just using large, heavy tools can hurt your body, and another example is plants are the easiest to cross, but there're things that can never be crossed in nature. Even if they can cross once, but when they may be inconvenient to the natural world, they're likely not to have a reproductive function, making them unable to reproduce. (Genetic modification uses technology to manipulate this mechanism.)
One thing I think about as an ideal boss is that when I talk to my helpers at work, I want to be able to give them something that will stay in their minds and be useful. . That's the kind of advice I got from John that still sticks with me.
The ideal president or boss may be different depending on the person, but first of all, always keep in mind how much personality and ability you can develop as a single person when you remove that title. I feel like I should include it.
*I'll be writing about my experiences in private gardens in England little by little on my blog, so John may appear from time to time. Remember!
2024年革命の時🌿2024,the year of my revolution✨
ということで、今年のKimi's Organicsは事業拡大の革命を起こします。今までまだやってなかったことに次々と挑戦していきます。まずは初めての小規模事業者持続化補助金申請にてKimi's Organicsのリーフレット作成、お庭の測量や施工、メンテナンスなどに必要なより良い機具類を揃える計画を進行中!幸いにも親切にヘルプしてくださる上板町商工会のスタッフの皆様の力で難しい作業もこなせています。提出完了までもう後少し頑張ります。
これから更にパワーアップするKimi's Organicsは多分世界のポジティブ要素の一部分になりうると信じて!
How are you all doing?
Since the beginning of 2024, sad events have been happening all over the world, and there is an atmosphere of uneasy feeling and disappointment. Such situations can also lead to poor physical condition to many people in the world at the moment. Even if it is an event in a distant world, it may be a part of each of us. This means that the power of individual happiness and joy can also be a part of people who do not currently have it. The world may be in a period where reforms are needed to replace old things that have no longer been worn down by the times and replace them with new things.
So, this year, Kimi's Organics will be revolutionizing business expansion. I will continue to try things that I haven't tried before. First of all, we are planning to create a leaflet for Kimi's Organics by applying for the small business sustainability subsidy for the first time, and to get better equipment necessary for garden surveying, construction, maintenance, etc. Fortunately, we were able to complete this difficult task with the great help of the kind staff at the Kamiita-town Chamber of Commerce and Industry. I will try my best until the submission is complete.
I believe that Kimi's Organics, which will continue to grow even more powerful, can become a part of the world's positive elements!