
Welcome to DANMOME Homepage

お店に来て下さる皆さまを「お帰りなさい!」とお出迎えし、「行ってらっしゃい!」と送り出す、そんな場所でありたいと思っています。屋号の『DANMOME』はDance in the momentの略で、コーチングでよく使われる言葉でお客様と一瞬一瞬を踊るように作り出すという意味です。日常を忘れて、火を眺め、土に触り、星を見上げ、鳥の声を聴きに田舎に帰ることこそが心を解放できる瞬間になるのではないでしょうか。皆さまにDANMOMEを育てて頂ければ幸いです。

We want to make Kyotambacho an "another home town of yours"

We welcome everyone who comes to our cafe with a "Welcome home! "and sends them off with a "See you soon!" DANMOME" is an abbreviation of "Dance in the moment," a phrase often used in coaching, meaning to create each moment as if dancing with the customer. I believe that forgetting everyday life and returning to the countryside to look at the fire, touch the earth, look up at the stars, and listen to the birds is a moment when you can release your mind. We hope that everyone will nurture DANMOME.



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