
2019.10.03  15:15

日本の伝統にふれる ミニ盆栽作り&座禅・お灸体験ツアー

OH!GOD! 主催イベントのお知らせです!




日本の伝統にふれる ミニ盆栽作り&座禅・お灸体験ツアー









9:40 OHGOD! 集合・開場

10:00 ミニ盆栽作り

12:00 OHGOD!特製ランチのご昼食

13:30 安行原の蛇造り 見学

14:00 座禅・おきゅう体験

15:00 盆栽 喜楽園 見学


集合場所:CAFE&DINING OH!GOD!(オー!ゴッド!)戸塚安行店

所在地:埼玉県川口市長蔵1丁目23-38   TEL048-294-6079





★午後は曹洞宗寺院 金剛寺で「座禅・お灸体験」にチャレンジ!







★当ツアーは中国語・英語にも対応。外国人の方のご参加も大歓迎です! 日本の文化に興味のある方が身近にいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひお声がけしてあげてください。

<お問い合わせ・ご予約はお電話にて承っております> TEL048-294-6079



Sponsored by CAFE & DINING OH! GOD!

Japanese tradition! Bonsai making & Zazen & moxibustion experience tour


[Venue] Saitama Prefecture Kawaguchi City Angyo Area

[Date] Sunday, October 13, 2019

[Holding time] (9:40 meeting) from 10:00 to 15:00

[Number of participants] Limited to 10 people

[Participation fee] 8,000 yen (including tax and lunch)


[Schedule for the day]

9:40 OH! GOD! Meeting / opening

10:00 Making mini bonsai

12:00 OH! GOD! Special lunch

13:30 Visit to Angyohara's snake structure

14:00 Zazen / moxibustion experience

15:00 Visit to Bonsai Kirakuen


Meeting place: CAFE & DINING OH! GOD!

Location: Saitama Prefecture Kawaguchi City Chouzo 1-23-38

TEL: 048-294-6079  website: http://r.goope.jp/ohgod


★Let's try making mini bonsai!

Kawaguchi Angyo is famous as a town for planting trees and bonsai.

The instructor is the 5th generation head of the long-established bonsai store “Kirakuen” since the Edo period.



Zazen & moxibustion experience at Kongo-ji Temple.

Kongo-ji Temple was built in 1496. Famous for "acupuncture".

It is still loved by people as “Okyu no Kongo-ji”.

In Buddhism training zazen, take a deep breath and relax your mind and body. Let's look at yourself with a calm feeling.


What is “Angyohara's snake structure”?

The leading role of the festival that takes place every year on May 24th in Angyohara in Kawaguchi City.

A 10m long snake,It is made in prayer for good harvest, peace and sickness. An intangible cultural asset of Kawaguchi City.


<Inquiry / Reservation> TEL: 048-294-6079